Cardinal Timothy Radcliffe and others announced
At an Angleus address on 6 October 2024, Francis announced that the Dominican Fr Timothy Radcliffe and 20 others are to be made Cardinals.

At the Angelus address on the morning of Sunday 6 October, Francis announced that the following men, including Fr Timothy Radcliffe OP, are to be made Cardinals at the Consistory on 8 December 2024.
Mgr Angelo Acerbi, Apostolic Nuncio (99 years)
Most Reverend Carlos Gustavo CASTILLO MATTASOGLIO, Archbishop of Lima (Peru).
Mgr Vicente BOKALIC IGLIC C.M., Archbishop of Santiago del Estero (Primado de la Argentina).
Mgr Luis Gerardo CABRERA HERRERA, O.F.M., Archbishop of Guayaquil (Ecuador).
Mgr Fernando Natalio CHOMALÍ GARIB, Archbishop of Santiago de Chile (Chile).
Mgr Tarcisio Isao KIKUCHI, S.V.D., Archbishop of Tokyo (Japan).
Mgr Pablo Virgilio SIONGCO DAVID, Bishop of Kalookan (Philippines).
Most Reverend Ladislav NEMET, S.V.D., Archbishop of Beograd-Smederevo (Serbia).
Most Reverend Jaime SPENGLER, O.F.M., Archbishop of Porto Alegre (Brazil).
Mgr Ignace BESSI DOGBO, Archbishop of Abidjan (Ivory Coast).
Mgr Jean-Paul VESCO, O.P., of French-Algerian nationality, Archbishop of Algiers (Algeria).
Mgr Paskalis Bruno SYUKUR, O.F.M., Bishop of Bogor (Indonesia).
Mgr Dominique Joseph MATHIEU, O.F.M. Conv, Belgian, Archbishop of Teheran Ispahan (Iran).
Mgr Roberto REPOLE, Archbishop of Turin (Italy).
Mgr Baldassare REINA, Auxiliary Bishop of Rome, former Vicegerent and now Vicar General for the Diocese of Rome.
Francis LEO, Archbishop of Toronto (Canada).
Mgr Rolandas MAKRICKAS, Lithuanian, Coadjutor Archpriest of the Papal Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore.
Mgr Mykola BYCHOK, C.S.R., Bishop of the Ukrainian Eparchy of Saints Peter and Paul in Melbourne, aged 44.
Timothy Peter Joseph RADCLIFFE, OP, theologian.
Fabio BAGGIO, C.S., Under-Secretary of the Dicastery for the Service of Integral Human Development.
Mgr George Jacob KOOVAKAD, Indian, official of the Secretariat of State, organiser of apostolic journeys.
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