Essays on the Catholic Church, theology, history and more.

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The WM Review is under the editorship of S.D. Wright and M.J. McCusker.

  • S.D. Wright holds a degree of M.St Theology from the University of Oxford.

  • M.J. McCusker holds a degree of MA History from the University of York.

We publish a full-length article every Thursday relating to the issues facing the Catholic Church in the modern world.

Our mission is to “Strengthen What Remains”.

We want to help Catholics keep the Faith in this current crisis, and to help non-Catholics see the truth of this Faith and to embrace it.

We think we can only do this by:

  1. Asking the right questions

  2. Providing the right sources and authorities

  3. Remaining always faithful to the perennial magisterium of the Holy Roman Catholic Church, outside of which there is absolutely no salvation at all.

We do not presume to have a neat set of answers and theories. We have a suggested reading list of such sources authorities from before this time of confusion.

We believe that God gave man the great gift of reason to pursue, discover and express truths about his creation and the content of his Divine Revelation, as proposed by the Roman Catholic Church.

Because our mission depends on getting the ideas out there, we really do not want to put our work behind a Paywall.

Nonetheless, producing work like this takes time, resources and effort. If you are able to make a financial contribution it will assist us in continuing to make our content freely available to all.

So if you have the means, and want to support our mission to “Strengthen What Remains”, then please consider becoming a paid subscriber:

You can also give us a one-time donation HERE.

Let’s keep each other in our prayers.

All the best,

S.D. Wright & M.J. McCusker
Editors of The WM Review

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Essays on the Catholic Church, theology, history and more. Without the right questions, we won't make sense of the right answers.


Writing about the Catholic Church.